Competence management: Training as a learning and process facilitator for migrants with a need for basic education

Competence management renders skills and strengths visible and useable. With the help of the instructor, the participants in the workshop series come up with their personal competence profiles. A profile includes documentation and analysis of which competences have been acquired so far in different areas of life.

The instrument used for competence profiling has been adapted for individuals with a migration background who need basic education; learning and process facilitators receive special training for this in the programme.

Provider: Linz Adult Education Centre — KOMPAZ Competence Recognition Centre

Module 1: Competence management according to CH-Q, Level 1 User level — Self-awareness

In order to work with the instrument as a trainer/process facilitator, the participants are required to go through the competence management procedures themselves. During the workshop series, participants come up with their own personal competence profiles according to CH-Q.

Target group: Individuals who have several years of experience in training and/or advising, who have experience with the target group migrants and who are interested in completing module 2.
Venue: Linz, Wissensturm, Kärntnerstraße 26, 4020 Linz
Dates: no current course

Module 2: Competence Management according to CH-Q, Level 2
Training as a learning and process facilitator for migrants with a need for basic education

This module focuses on facilitating learning and processes for migrants with a need for basic education while they develop their personal competence profiles. The participants become acquainted with the methods and learn how to use the instrument as adapted for migrants. After having completed both modules, the participants are entitled to independently use the CH-Q competence management procedures for migrants.

Target group: Individuals with several years of experience in training and/or advising and experience with the target group migrants who have completed module 1.
Dates: no current course
Contact and registration: Linz Adult Education Centre, KOMPAZ Competence Recognition Centre