Literacy trainers of migrants: Monitoring of labour situation and job satisfaction

by Women’s Service Graz

The objective of this research module was to obtain more precise information on the professional situation of literacy and basic education trainers for migrants. To this end, an online questionnaire was sent to about 60 course instructors in two waves:

The first wave (2012) focused on work conditions, different aspects of job satisfaction, values and expectations, burdens, the understanding of quality and the continuing education needs of the course instructors. The second survey wave (2013) aimed at specific resources and examined the instructors' interest in supportive programmes. Selected variables were checked during the survey and work relations were examined more closely. The empirical results show: there is a high level of satisfaction with relationship variables in this field and at the same time a tendency to be dissatisfied with career prospects, job security and monetary recognition. We are dealing with a traditionally female field of activity, in which women work with a high level of commitment and idealism while accepting precarious situations. In future, the individual development of professionalism (in training and continuing education as well as through reflexive confrontation) must be supported by sufficient professional structures.

Download Interim Report (October 2012) - Download Final Report (April 2014)

Contact: birgit.aschemann(at)